2: Component Impact
This component calculates the environmental impact of a building component, which can be defined as multiple layers or a single entry from the material component (for cases like KBOB 12.xxx or 21.xxx).
The life cycle replacements for the component are also taken into consideration by the RSP and RSL inputs.
Reference Study Period (RSP) refers to the total life cycle of the building that is being investigated in the LCA, which for Swiss residential buildings is 60 years.
The Reference Service Life (RSL) is defined by [SIA 2023] and refers to the number of years after which the material or component needs to be replaced.
The replacement emissions is calculated by adding the upfront and disposal emissions of the entries, and multiplying them by the number of replacements during the building lifetime. The number of replacements is defined by dividing the RSP by the RSL and rounding the number down.
The "Layer" input can have either a single material (for the aforementioned cases) or multiple layers at once as an input.
TIP: To connect multiple layers to the same input in Grasshopper, hold Shift while connecting the wire to the "Layer" input.
Reference Study Period (RSP) and Reference Service Life (RSL) are both defined in years.
Component Properties (Text) provides the impact headers and values together for better readability, and Component Properties (Values) is the output that should be used through the workflow.
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